The agency is the only legal way to be an “hero”. This statal structure’s born seven years before the story. Agents position in the hierarchy isn’t well defined. Usually they are compared to army ranks.

There are five ranks: silver, gold, platinum, diamond, uranium. Each agent start with a rank, and then progress with their own deeds. the interventions are analyzed by a special assembly that give points to them. Points can increase and decrease, and define your rank. In the uranium rank there are only dismisset heroes, it is an honor for legends.

Each hero recives his own rank after the license exam. Before this it is mandatory to take a three-year paid training. inithially there were scholarships for income, but over time they disappeard, while the cost increased. After few years the trainings have become inaccessible to many. The latest generacion of agents is composed only of young richs.

Heroes who were active before the A.N.S. became agents with an honorary license. Some now teach in various locations. Trinity is an example of a hero who became agent of diamond rank. In fact, the “honorary” agents occcupy the hightest ranks, leaving little space to rookies.


There is an alternative to leverage the powers legally, the Superpowers Recovery Center. This state facility is tasked with making good use of this gifts trough work. Any gifted person can register in search of work. By slogan they look for the “right job for you”, but often the jobs have nothing to do with the superpower or the person. Unfortunately many persons have been reported by their boss. By now the distrust of this strctures is very high, so much that thei are close to closing.

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